My Favorite Hymns for the Ocarina Accompaniment Audio
2. All Creatures Of Our God And King (D)
3. Amazing Grace! (D)
4. Come, Thou Font Of Every Blessing (D)
5. Crown Him With Many Crowns (D)
6. Fairest Lord Jesus (D)
7. Holy, Holy, Holy! (D)
8. It Is Well With My Soul (D)
9. O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing (D)
10. Praise To The Lord, The Almighty (D)
11. Take My Life And Let It Be (D)
12. This Is My Father's World (D)
14. All Creatures Of Our God And King (A)
15. Amazing Grace! (A)
16. Come, Thou Font Of Every Blessing (A)
17. Crown Him With Many Crowns (A)
18. Fairest Lord Jesus (A)
19. Holy, Holy, Holy! (A)
20. It Is Well With My Soul (A)
21. O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing (A)
22. Praise To The Lord, The Almighty (A)
23. Take My Life And Let It Be (A)
24. This Is My Father's World (A)